Comentários sobre: Dias decisivos para o #SOPA Cultura livre & (contra) cultura digital Sun, 20 Dec 2015 09:13:28 +0000 hourly 1 Por: Vadestino Sun, 20 Dec 2015 09:13:28 +0000 JohnD, my doubt that a wife of Jesus existed is not based on an it isn’t in the Bible agemurnt. In fact, since I am a Catholic, I sometimes counter that agemurnt with it doesn’t have to be in the Bible. (Actually, I usually completely avoid discussions of Catholicism-Protestantism theological differences because, quite simply, they are a pain in the neck.)I don’t actually reject the possibility that a wife of Jesus existed; I just doubt it very much.Here’s why. Unless she died very young (which could have been the case) she would have remained with her mother-in-law in the tight-knit first Christian community in Jerusalem. Both of the women would have been probably the most highly honored members of that community. The Widow of Jesus would probably have become a large and enduring icon of Christian culture, second only to the Mother of Jesus. In fact, if she lived a very long life, decades beyond that of her mother-in-law, she would have been the last living direct link to Jesus (except possibly for John), which would only have strengthened still further her enduring iconic status.I don’t think it would really make any difference that no references to her made it into the final official Bible. At least in the Catholic Church, we would simply say We know by Apostolic Tradition that she existed. However, the mentions of a married Jesus in the discarded writings has to be acknowledged as an indication that the wife of Jesus may have actually existed. But I think that it must also be acknowledged that she may have just been a fictional character in those writings. After all, the Church Fathers might have had good reasons for discarding those writings; I don’t really know.

Por: Memorial para Aaron Swartz - Zazuli Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:29:10 +0000 […] liderou para a criação do Creative Commons (na foto acima), e foi uma das principais vozes contra o SOPA/PIPA, projetos de leis que queriam cercear a liberdade na rede e que, felizmente, e por hora, foram […]

Por: Teo Oliver Mon, 16 Jan 2012 03:49:20 +0000 É revoltante e preocupante essa situação. Da até uma sensasão que é tudo uma brincadeira de mão gosto e que na verdade o SOPA não vai ser a provado, mas por outro lado, quando se olha para tras, e vê o tamanho das bobagens e restrições que o povo NorteAmericano se sujeita e aceita em nome de segurança e (psedo)”direitos”, existe realmente a possibilidade de que um retrocesso desses possa acontecer.

De qualquer forma, eu ainda acredito no poder de nós que somos a favor das licensas livres como o CC ou Copyleft. Não pode ser que essas grandes empresas nao percebam que o sistema mudou, que quanto mais eles espernearem contra a evolução do compartilhamento livre de informação, pior vai será. Mais os proprios autores vão liberar as suas obras e se independizar dos intermediarios.

Isso na verdade, com o sem SOPA vai acontecer, é uma questão de tempo…eu acredito nisso. Talvez esse tipo de Lei, só vai agilizar o processo.
